Return to Charles Roszel (1742 - 1817) Charles Roszel - Father of the Roszel Family in Canada Will of Charles Roszel 1817
1817 No.265
Will of Charles Roszel of Gainsborough filed 20 November 1817
In the name of God, Amen, I Charles Roszel of the township of Gainsborough, County of Lincoln,
Province of Upper Canada, and the district of Niagara,
Yeoman, being in perfect health and prefect mind and memory thanks be given unto God Calling
into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die,
do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say
Principally and first of all i give and recommend my soul into the hand of the Almighty God that gave it and my
body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors.
Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again,
by the Mighty Power of God and as touching such worldly estate.
Where with it has pleased God to Bless one in this I give demise and dispose of the same in the following
manner and form.
First I give bequeath to Mary my beloved wife all the under mentioned property during her life or widowhood
and after her death or marriage to be equally divided amongst nine of
my children viz Isaac, Abraham, Benjamin, Eldridge, Ann, Rachel, Abrigail, Lydia, Ama
to their heirs and assigns for ever that is to say her choice of mt feather beds and bedding,
one table, one chest, two chairs six knives and forks one small wheel and one large on and
the whole of my tea cups and saucers one tea kettle one dish six spoons and her choice of the iron pots,
Iron trammel, six plates and one Milch cow two sheep one mare or horse and a woman saddle
thirty bushel of wheat and one hundred pound of pork. Yearly and every year and a sufficient plenty
of fire wood and liberty of the house that I now posses for to go in doors and with out any hindrance
of my son George or Nathaniel or any person under them or about them,
and the said George and Nathaniel is to give an equal share of the said wheat and pork and
keeping the said Cow, sheep horse thorough both winter and summer and getting of fire wood.
Secondly it is my will that my son Charles is to have to notes twenty dollars each that I hold against
him with interest thereon to him his heirs and assigns for ever.
Thirdly it is my will that my grandson Charles Roszel son of my oldest son Obadiah is to have five pounds sterling money or raised out of my movable estate to him his heirs and assigns for ever.
Fourthly after all my honest debts and funeral charges is paid the remainder of my movable property is to
be equally divided amongst my nine children viz Isaac, Abraham, Benjamin, Eldridge, Ann, Raphael, Abrigail, Lydia, Ama to them their heirs and assigns for ever.
Fifty further my will that my two sons George and Nathaniel is to have the plantation that I now live on which is known by the south ends of lot number twenty nine and thirty in the six concession of the township of Gainsborough Aforesaid George is to have the south end of said lot so as to make ninety four acres of land. Nathaniel is to have the two north ends be the same more or less with each one paying forty five pounds dollars at eight shillings(?pieces or pence].
Five years after their mothers death to be equally among the S. nine children Isaac, Abraham, Benjamin, Eldridge, Ann, Rachel, Abrigail, Lydia, Ama the said plantation is to them their heirs and assigns for ever.
I likewise constitute make and ordain my two sons George and Nathaniel the sole executors of this my
last will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow and revoke all former testaments will legacies and
Executors Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness thereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this eight day of June in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and nine.
Sign sealed published pronounced by said Charles Roszel as his last will and testament in the presence of us.
John Kennedy
Walter Clendenin Charles Roszel
On January 22, 2025 we commemorate the anniversary of the following events that occurred in the history of the Roszel Family and descendents:
1986 - Ivan Edgar Roszel passed away. 1982 - Michael Robert Easton was born. 1959 - William Lavelle Gowling passed away. 1938 - Dwight Terwilliger married Naomi Matz 1930 - Elinor Ethel Burtch was born. 1919 - Lorne Cecil Hilts was born. 1912 - Robert Henry Stickles married Louise Beemer 1909 - Elwin Henry Walker was born. 1906 - William George McGregor was born. 1903 - William Henry Roszell passed away. 1903 - John E. Roszell passed away. 1902 - Cecille B. Roszel was born. 1901 - Eva Victoria Roszel was born. 1897 - Nathan H. Merkle was born. 1897 - Avard Glenn Roberts was born. 1896 - Trafford James McPherson married Hannah Isboel Muma 1896 - Clifford Glen Roszell was born. 1891 - Joseph Henry Vyse was born. 1887 - David Roszel was born. 1885 - Emery Ellis Cooper was born. 1877 - Nathaniel Roszell was born. 1867 - Berry Newton Moore married Mary Ellen Hodges 1865 - Emma Jane Cosby was born. 1858 - Walter Fitzgerald was born. 1856 - Charles V. Ruby was born. 1852 - Jabez Gee passed away. 1832 - Mary Polly Beemer passed away. 1830 - Mary Ann Wright was born. 1827 - Ruth Beemer was born. 1795 - Isabella Byron passed away. 1788 - George Gordon 6th Lord Byron was born.
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