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Viking Family

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    The Viking Years

Towards the end of the family ice age, Thori Snearson set forward a great change in the families direction. Thori had three children, two boys (Norr and Gorr) and one girl (Goi). Legend says that Thori's daughter Goi was taken (kidnapped, abducted or just ran away) and Thori swor his sons undertake a quest to find their sister. Norr took to the land and Gorr took to the sea.

Gorr's quest has been recored in the Orkeny Saga, Gorr's decendants are refered to as Kings of the Sea.
Our family lineage follows seven Generations of Sea Kings (Vikings) decended from Gorr down to Eystein Ivorson who spawned children who became known as the original Men from the North (Normands).

It is said that Norr found his sister with the family of Svadi and their there was anticipation of a great battlebetween these opposing forces, in ovoidance of the great battle a settlement was forged, Norr's sister was married to Hrolf Svadisson and Norr married Svadisdatter. Norr settled and had domain over the land known today as Norway.

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